Together for
Business Integrity

About Us

In June 2020, The Ethics Institute launched a five year project entitled “Collective action to advance business integrity in Mozambique”.  Funded by the Siemens Integrity Initiative, the main aim of the project is to strengthen economic growth and business collaboration in Mozambique by building ethics management capacity in the private sector.

Research clearly shows a link between corruption and its calamitous effect on the economic growth of a country and the prosperity of its people. This project aims to establish a sound rationale for companies to integrate ethical practice within their operations so that it becomes commonly understood business procedure.

Benefits of Participation

  • Access to leading practice masterclasses in four impactful sessions per year
  • A collective platform to address concerns about ethical practice which directly impact your business.
  • Training opportunities for your organisation in ethics awareness, ethics management and anti-corruption funded by the Siemens Integrity Initiative.
  • Enablement, empowerment, networking and influencing meaningful change.
  • Making a consequential contribution to the sustainable economic growth of Mozambique and the development of its people
  • Being part of a Mozambican based network of thought leaders in business integrity.

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